Saturday, May 18, 2013

Tropical Fish Love

Yes, I'm in love with tropical fish. Guppys, tetras, apple snails, platies, you name it! All of the above :). This blog is for answering any questions you may have on tropical fish( which you can put in the comments below), and to share what my crazy fish do. Yes, I call them crazy, because a lot of times, I wonder what's going on in that head of theirs. I also will talk about local pet stores and review products from them to let you  know if it works or not. Right now, I have one Glofish (which I will talk about later), one zebra danio (which will be talked about in the same post as the glofish for a certain reason) and, two long- finned red minor tetras in a 15 gallon tropical tank. I also have one golden mystery snail, which likes to keep to himself. I'd also like to tell you the names, and I will post a picture of each of my fish. Before I start, I would like to say that these pictures are not mine. They are just simply Google searches. For example, the first picture has three green glofish, but I only have one. Just keep that in mind!

Green Glofish, Name- Oscar

Zebra Danio, Name- Chet

2 Long finned red minor tetras, names- Colors and Colorful

So there ya go! There's my meet and greet. Keep checking the blog for new posts! I may have a question for you sometime! Thanks for visiting and come back soon!!!

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